Still on it...

Hey folks, so, yeah, I've been terrible at updating this recently. Sadly, work exploded in December and I'm just now getting life a bit more back to normal.

So, in the time I was gone, I've pretty much stayed on plan and I'm currently sitting at 6st 3.5lbs down. I can't really complain, but my weight loss has slowed right down over the last month or so. My own fault, I've been not drinking enough water, and not having enough speed food. Don't get me wrong, I'm still doing a hell of a lot better that when I was this size...

I've got a bit complacent I think, so this is my kick up the bum. All the water, more speed food.  I've found myself snacking more, in part because I get bored working from home so a snack is a nice distraction. That being said, my snacks are usually fruits and cereal/hifi bars so it could be worse. In the old days, not that long ago, I'd have scarfed most of a 2 litre bottle of Coke and a packet of biscuits without thinking about it, so I suppose eating too many grapes is nothing?

Adding to my Mr. Sleek title from the end of last year, I also shared my groups Greatest Loser award. The beautiful lady I shared it with, Joanne and I had lost the exact same amount of weight, although I feel like she should have won it, I'm still going, she has hit her target and done brilliantly.

greatest loser
Co-Greatest Loser Joanne, Consultant Tracy and me! 

On another note, I've talked here before about the battle my wife has with PCOS, and trying to get healthy herself in some challenging circumstances, but she has done brilliantly to lose two and a half stone, exercising four or five times a week and putting me to shame.  I've posted then and now photos down below so you can see how we are doing.

You can follow my day to day battles with my weight on my dedicated Instagram feed here and my twitter here.


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