Reboot - Slimming World Fail!

I'm back, sorry. Life got a bit hectic during the exams, and holidays and stuff.  

I posted this on my instagram earlier this week. 'Time for a #reboot. I've got complacent it is time to #refocus. I should be miles further down the road on my #slimmingworldjourney than I am. I should have smashed my #holidaygain but I haven't. Not starting again because that would negate all the effort I've put in so far. But I'm going to sit down, reread my book, #focus on #foodoptimising and get my arse in gear.'

I've hit a plateau.  I lost over 8 stone before my holiday.  I'll talk about that later on, but since we got back I have massively not been able to focus.  I found myself doing what a lot of people seem to do, start 'guesstimating'portion sizes and syn values. I've always worked on the basis that because I get more syns, I'm male and fat, I will always be under, but when I think about it properly, I'm probably not, and I should probably have reduced them by now.  So yeah, bit complacent.  Because I've had to be in work most days this summer, I'm finding it much harder to be disciplined, it's much easier to pick up a sandwich meal deal at the shop on the way in than it is to make up a low syn but filling alternative.  I'm also finding that I'm eating more, because I'm bored.  Not necessarily bad foods, but more bananas, more grapes, just more in general.  I've also been very guilty of picking up things like cereal bars or breakfast biscuits when they have been on offer and using them as replacements for the official Slimming World Hi-Fi bars, when actually they are much higher fat/calories.  Ooops.
So, yesterday, I decided no more.  I'm kicking my own arse back into gear.  You heard it here last, after my twitter and instagram accounts! 

Not speaking of holidays, oh my, I had my much needed week in Majorca, first week of July.  Where to start?  Well, turns out, a week of all inclusive in Spain means I turn back into a greedy fat bastard! It's so easy to just say 'F___ it, I'm on holiday' and I'm glad I did, because I enjoyed every extra helping, and every dessert.  The food was pretty good, especially for an all inclusive place, and there was usually something I liked at every meal, which is tough, because I'm fussy. I'm not a 'GIVE ME CHIPS!' tourist, but I'm not big on fish, and my pallet is fairly bland so I accidently picked up squid rings instad of onion rings, you can imagine my level of unimpressed.  It didn't help that the hotel's only diet drink was Diet Pepsi, which disagrees with me so it was full fat Fanta/7UP all week.
Nonetheless, we had a great time, got some rest, read some books, ate all the food and got a little bit of a tan! 

Look away now if pictures of people eating massive ice creams bother you! 

Oh, in case you didn't know, in the 12 days from getting weighed on Tuesday night at my group, to the Sunday we got back, I managed to achieve a phenomenal 19lb weight gain. Yup, 19lbs. I managed to get that down to 13.5lbs by Tuesday evening weigh in, but I'm strangely proud of it.  Still not managed to get that back off though, sadly.  Some of it, but then, that's what this post is about, getting back on it.
I'm 100%, weighing, measuring, counting, determined to get to my target. I've also finally set a target. If I get to my target I will have lost 12stone 1lb.  So I have about 65lbs to go.  Stick with me, I'm going in! 

If you want to follow my journey in more detail, you can follow me on instagram here or on twitter here.  


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