Starting out...

So, I've been fat for years.  Yup, I said it.
I have always thought of myself as being fat, way back to being maybe 13 or 14, when the reality is I was a slightly chubby teenager but certainly nothing to be concerned about.  I spent my teenage years into my mid twenties working at McDonald's which I'm pretty sure didn't help my weight, although mostly I am lazy and drink too much fizzy pop, Coke in particular.

My wife and I are trying to have kids and although tests have shown no problems, losing weight won't hurt the process. I'm tired all the time, and I'm a bit of sick of having sore legs after particuarly busy days at work.
As you may know, I don't drink, at all, and I'm always a bit glib when I talk about why, giving silly answers but the truth is, I have always had what you could call an addictive personality.  Whether it be collecting records, or not missing a single episode of wrestling since I was 19, I have my issues. What I also have is a touch of self awareness, so I made a decision years ago not to drink, or smoke, or take drugs.
I have spent the last few months properly coming to terms with my own mental health.  Again, I don't want to be glib about it but we all have our issues, I'm self diagnosed with low level anxiety, and thankfully I have a brilliant, understanding wife who knows that I'm a bit mental and need to be able to line things up in my head before it makes sense, leaves me alone when I need it and is unquestioningly supportive. I'm very lucky.  I don't think I have ever been properly depressed, but we all have our moments, and I think it is important to acknowledge them.

Since I took my current job, I work from home a lot, and have found myself spending more time on my own, when sometimes my only human contact is the woman in the shop at the end of our road, so have been very guilty of going to the shop, buying biscuits and Coke, then locking myself away in my office till Caroline got home from work.
I'm hoping by joining Slimming World, and attending a group run by an unpushy friend that I can join in as much or as little as I'm comfortable with, and that the group can provide a little focus for me.  I need to be doing this for me, and I need to not take other peoples expectations on my shoulders.  This might not always be a fun read, but I think it will help keep me going...


  1. Hey Steve. Well done on getting started and putting it out there. It holds you accountable and hopefully keeps you on the right path. What brilliant motivation starting a family is! I look forward to following your journey x


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