Unexpected bonus!

speed food, steak vegetables

I weigh in on a Tuesday evening at 5pm, and I spent all weekend thinking I hadn't done well at all.  I stepped up the speed on Saturday, after a supermarket shop after work, and was really strict with myself Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.  I set myself a target of 4.5lbs this week, which would bring my 2.5 stone award, but I went into the meeting resigned to not getting that, but vaguely confident I would do a pound or two.  I had to double check the readout on the scales when it said I lost 5lbs! 
5lbs weight loss, slimming world

I've been talking for a few weeks now about being unfocused, about me not doing anything bad, but feeling like I wasn't truly living up to the Slimming World mantra of 'food optimising'.  I rarely get anywhere near my total allowed syns for the day, but still feel like I could do better.  The main problem for me is that I'm inherently lazy.  That's how I got fat in the first place, I'd always rather have a sandwich than make a proper meal.  The main problem at the moment is that I'm working a lot, and because I don't work regular hours, getting organised is a pain for me.  I end up relying on Mugshots, cereal bars, fruit and Coke Zero. So, like I said, nothing too bad, just not the most optimised. I've just taken on some extra work through my job, which mean I will be travelling to schools near Sunderland and Stockton about once a week. I can't see this helping...
mugshot, muller light, salad

But anyway, my 5lbs loss means I reached my 2.5 stone award, and I was Slimmer Of The Week again.  I'm conflicted over the Slimmer Of The Week award. On the one hand, it is nice to receive recognition for a good week, on the other hand sometimes I feel like there are more deserving candidates for it.  I'm still at a point where if I stick to plan, I should be losing a reasonable amount every week, where there are people at the group who could use a boost from the award, who have maybe struggled for a while.  
slimmer of the week, slimming world, stickers

Either way, I'm halfway to my personal (unofficial) target of 5 stone by Christmas. I'm bang on track, just need to keep on keeping on! 

You can follow my progress on my twitter here or my instagram here


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