Week 1 - Adjusting!

As I write this I'm about two hours shy of my first weigh in at my Slimming World group.  Bit nervous but more in anticipation than anything else. Been pretty good this week, taken it seriously, although I'm still getting my head round eating anything other than salads for lunch!
I hadn't told my wife I was joining, mostly in case I chickened out and didn't actually do it. Well, that and I wanted an in person reaction rather than over the phone! She is very happy and has been super supportive, as I would expect, she generally is, she is even joining in with me, not so much with the meetings but with keeping track of Syns and eating better.

So, week 1 has been an interesting one, I jumped in with both feet, breakfasting on fruit and yoghurt most days, salads/jacket potatoes for lunches and proper grown up meals at night. Snacks have been pretty much fruit based, although the odd pack of Walkers Sunbites have crept in (they are delicious although generally not that great syns wise).  I don't eat a lot of crisps so it's not the end of the world.

I am going to need to explore the Slimming World world a little more, I imagine meat, rice/pasta and veg will get boring longer term. Luckily my wife is a good cook, part of my problem over the years has been that I'm quite happy eating the 'beige' foods, oven chips, fish fingers, battered/breaded things and beans/veg.  I'm a bit fussy, which hasn't helped my weight, I tend to stick with what I know.  I've coped surprisingly well without my beloved Coke, I have had a couple of Coke Zero experiments and it's not too bad but I know where my heart lies! I've also been very guilty (happily) putting most things into sandwiches, and the bread element of Slimming World might yet fox me, but we will see.

On we go...

Oh, I did try the Slimming World chips recommendation, they turned out okay, but I cut them too thin I think, maybe wedges next week!


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