A gain, and a sulk!

After the giddiness of being half of the Couple Of The Year last week, I was brought down to earth with a bump as I gained 3.5lbs at weigh in. I'm very much not a happy bunny this week. What I thought was a pretty good week, turned out to not be the case. We had our lovely in-laws down to visit for most of the week, and it is always nice to see them, but it has thrown off my food patterns this week. I have found myself picking up a meal deal sandwich a few times, and I have definitely eaten too many carbs this week. I'm pretty annoyed with myself. You know when you are pretty sure you have had a good week, but then it turns out that although you didn't join in with the Chinese takeaway, or even eat anything really bad, you still ate too much? Yep, that was me this week. What a knob! So I pouted a bit, had a bit of a sulk, made one of my favourite pre-Slimming World dinners and pretty much got over it, in theory. I had my signature sand...